Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blogging First

So, their is definite excitement to be had, I had my first article posted today for Ford Motor Company (Click Me to See). I am uberly excited for my summer with Ford; and hoping that its a blast! And this extreme excitement could come from the fact that this is a paying summer internship or the fact that I will be getting the opportunity to test drive my favorite car ever made in life (Mustang of course)!

Also, I get to reunite with my most favorite professor ever, Craig! He is my professor of journalism and is dearly missed, and The Varsity News isn't the same without him! So, here's hoping we connect next week!

Book Club! I've become recent obsessed with starting a book club ever since seeing Jane Austin's Book Club, and now I don't have too because an awesome friend started one that will meet in July! First book is Jane Eyre, which I've never read... yes I know that is a book all English majors should read, well I haven't and now I will.

Random first blog I know... but I know my future ones will be long adventurous tales filled with juicy comments and complimentary photos!